SSH feature wishlist

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Joined: Apr 12 2010
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SSH feature wishlist
* Support for connecting as user@hostname -- importing from PuTTY keeps hostnames in that format but doesn't actually understand it. * SSH agent support (e.g. Pageant) * Port forwarding -- especially if it can be done from a script * X11 forwarding Basically I like the idea of using TeSSH (actually CMUD Pro for me) as a sort of scriptable admin tool like how I used to do with expect+tk when it was a telnet world. There's surprisingly little out there that automates ssh that's actually able to break back into interactive mode, so I think this tool has a lot of potential.
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Joined: Jan 1 1999
Posts: 178
Those things are on my to-do list, but honestly, it's going to be a while until you see stuff like the Port forwarding and X11 forwarding. I'm not actually sure what "agent support" is, so I'll have to research that. The user@hostname thing is easy, although of course it still needs to prompt for your password, so it's really not going to save much effort. Right now, PuTTY works fine for port forwarding. My first goal with TeSSH is to focus on the actual SSH interactive portion, since that's the part of PuTTY that I dislike the most. Stuff like X11 forwarding is a lot harder for me because I don't have any software that uses X11 so I have no way to test it. And that's really getting beyond what an SSH client should be doing. But maybe you can help expand upon what you'd actually use these kind of features for and how it would work.